Dmax Ink™
All Black Ink System for Epson P400 – Setup Tutorial
Learn by watching the video, or review the written transcript. If you still have questions submit a tech ticket, or reply back to your technician in an open ticket.
Video Transcript
Using the supplied syringe and blunt fill needle add 10ml of Dmax dye ink to each tank. Add the ink slowly to avoid over flow allowing enough time for the ink to fill the internal chambers.
Fill the ink chamber until the ink level reaches the top of the the damper chamber but not enough to over flow out the fill hole.
The upper chambers to the right are air venting chambers and may not fill entirely or at all.
You’ll notice these tanks have an internal damper chamber that initially will not fill with ink.
Now you’re ready to prime the ink tank. Priming each tank is required. Priming will fill the damper chamber allowing ink to properly flow during printing.
Using the included Priming syringe with mild pressure puncture the seal at the bottom of the tank.
Keep steady pressure on the adapter then draw 5ml of ink. You’ll now notice ink in the damper chamber. Chamber should be nearly half full. It does not need to be 100% full.
Add the ink back through the fill hole. Repeat the priming process if needed.
Once primed install the rubber fill hole plug.
With your Epson inks installed from the Epson printer driver Utility print a Nozzle Pattern Test print to verify that the print head is clean. You may also use AccuRIP Ruby’s built in Nozzle Print Test feature by clicking on the Gear Icon.
Now you’re ready to load the Dmax All Black Ink tanks into the Epson P400.
Adjust AccuRIP to achieve the best result.
Click the gear icon in AccuRIP Ruby to access the maintenance features. Print a Nozzle Pattern Test Print to paper verifying the print head is clean and ready to print.
Load film into the printer then print a Droplet Weight Density Test print page. Follow the directions to determine the best settings for your needs.
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