All Black Ink Description
All Black Ink™ cartridge kits work hand-in-hand with AccuRIP™ and the matching supported printer.
Screen printers need volume of black dye ink for productivity and high quality Dmax™ dye to achieve the best film and screen exposure results. Films must block UV light and Freehand’s formulated Dmax™ delivers the density maximum.
All Black Ink kits do NOT include a printer. If your printer model is not listed, purchase Dmax Dye Ink™ bottles to use with bulk systems for your printer model. Try DarkStar Film™ for high-density results that won’t scratch off like so many others.

Installation info on Freehand’s Ink Kits. When your kit arrives you’ll easily set-up like a pro.
Canon iX6820
Refillable Ink Solution by Freehand™
Set includes (1) bottle 500mL Dmax™ black dye – nearly two complete fills of the best dye for high-density film printing! It also contains five slot specific cartridges, (1) bottle 127mL of Amaze-Ink Liquid Inkjet Clog Buster, plus (2) blunt needle syringes. No resetter needed – wow!
Printer not included.

Canon iP8720
Refillable Ink Solution by Freehand™
Set includes (1) bottle 500mL Dmax™ black dye – nearly two complete fills of the best dye for high-density film printing! It also contains six slot specific cartridges, (1) bottle 127mL of Amaze-Ink Liquid Inkjet Clog Buster to keep your Canon iP8720 healthy, plus (2) blunt needle syringes. No resetter needed – wow!
Printer not included.

Epson 1430/1400
Refillable Ink Solution by Freehand™
Set includes (1) bottle 173mL Dmax™ black dye – nearly two complete fills of the best dye for high-density film printing! It also contains two 6 slot specific cartridge sets, (1) bottle 127mL of Amaze-Ink Liquid Inkjet Clog Buster to keep your Epson 1430/1400 healthy, two blunt needle syringes, and two pairs of gloves.
Freehand continues to provide a quality cartridge solution for professional film printing for these models discontinued by Epson.
Printer not included.
Epson 4900
Refillable Solution by Freehand™
Refillable Matte Slot Only (unfilled) (oversized 300 mL capacity per cartridge)
Product includes 1/2 Liter (500 mL) of Freehand’s Dmax Black Dye Ink™
Printer not included.
Unless otherwise noted the cartridge capacity (mL of dye ink) matches the Epson or Canon capacity of the model. A very small portion of dye may remain in the cartridges even when the printer indicates all black ink out. Limited warranty against manufacturing defect for one year from delivery. All cartridge systems are tested and verified by Freehand and manufactured to the highest standards.