GREAT DESIGNS HAPPEN with Freehand software . . .
Creativity keeps flowing inspiring Freehand to create an industry focused designer companion software to its coveted color separation software. Previously a finished Sep Studio NXT project went straight to film output. Now transform designs any time post-separation without compromise. NXT-Moves enhancements automagically marry to the existing image separations.
Designs in this gallery started with a downloaded stock image, professionally color separated in Sep Studio NXT then uploaded into NXT-Moves where text, textures, and effects were added and colored using the auto-loaded color palette of the separation file. You maintain total control over the press load (number of screens). Some designs were created fully in NXT-Moves. What can YOU create with a NXT – NXT software suite?
Easily take Sep Studio NXT separations to the next level. Type, textures and effects added post-separation using NXT-Moves Designer.

Pre-separated Kabuki mask image was transformed with a great font selection and background treatment. A series of multiple strokes increasing in value created the bubble affect around the text.

A great pre-separation of Chilly Bear quickly becomes a cool layout. A text layer copied, filled and stroked with white then offset to the left creates the perfect icy feel for this print.

Using only ink colors from the pre-separated cactus image keeps the press load (screen count) down. The addition of a texture coming in from the right delivers a sharp and fitting affect.

Starting with just the plaque background and tumbleweed image, the right style font and texture overlay from NXT-Moves perfectly delivers a fitting look and feel.

From a pre-separated single color parchment shape with agave image knocked out, custom text and a cracked affect overlay ages this image to perfection. Soft hand feel when printed using just one screen.

This knockout of a design is just 2 colors. Using stock downloaded boxing gloves, text was added, shaped, then duplicated to created the drop shadow. A vertical line symbol using the textile color placed between text layers created a fitting circus style look.

From just a 3 color solid basketball image this design quickly went supersonic. Multiple colored strokes and text shaping made it easy to get the right look. Duplicating and flipping a background element customizes any print.

Simple and stylish this two color print was created using a well chosen font curved in NXT-Moves. Simple and fast these types of fast production jobs are fun and profitable to produce.

Properly using colors that “clash” it was easy to create a fitting neon affect to complete this print. Using the same color in the image as the font makes this a very press friendly print on a smaller press.

Stingers gets right to the point. Fully created in NXT-Moves using only the symbols, textures and text, this shows how creative you can be without an image.

It doesn’t take much to get design freaky with NXT-Moves. This one color print started with just the tiki mask and palm trees. With a proper font selection and starburst added this print is plenty of fun and freaky easy to print.

Another image fully developed in NXT-Moves. Concentric circles were created and aligned to produce the bullseye. Curved text and nice horizontal symbol affected added hits the mark with on this design.

From a stock soccer ball image this design quickly developed using curved and shaped text various stroke weights from a limited color palette. Just a three color print. NXT-Moves helps you score points with your clients.

Experience an explosion of creativity when you easily combine super high color Spot Process® separated images with text in NXT-Moves. Create a celebration of color from just six screens.

Exclusively developed in NXT-Moves these examples show you can create all kinds of special text looks using the right colors, some basic shapes and a little imagination. Challenge the app, push your imagination.

Getting slimed was fast and easy. Using just the splat symbols and some text we duplicated layers of text and splat symbols delivering the slimy affect we were after.

Another full NXT-Moves creation this entire design was made using supplied fonts, shapes and symbols. Flipping and aligning textured symbols can create and endless amount of unique backgrounds.

Downloaded from stock art, the saw blade was separated by Sep Studio NXT then uploaded to NXT-Moves. Using just two colors, fonts and arrowheads were added to create a handcrafted design you’d be proud to print.

This one color design started out as a shield filled with a mesh pattern pre-separated with Sep Studio NXT then uploaded in NXT-Moves. Fonts and a distress texture were added. From concept to completion this design became a champion in less than ten minutes.

A high quality Spot Process® separation was made into a great print. Full color image of the player was uploaded from Sep Studio NXT then enhanced with a digital motion symbol, a circle background and fonts. Another two minute drill touchdown.

Starting out as multicolor stock image this skull was transformed with the addition of shaded symbols to add a fitting glow affect.

This beautiful two color stock image set the tone for the text added and coloring. Some images just tell you what to do.

This steel plate affect was achieved using various shade of gray and a horizontal linear symbol.

Your clients with “Rave On” when you deliver prints like this. With a watermark style soft colored drop shadow along with strong text fully designed in NXT-Moves makes this app a game changer for three color prints.

You’ll never tilt with NXT-Moves. This retro print started with just the arcade image everything else was added using Moves. Scaling different halftone symbols made it great. Game Over for boring designs. This print is a blast.

So easy to achieve this vintage shirt effect using a textures and linear symbols filled with the textile color to soften the print. Everything created in NXT-Moves.

Using just a single downloaded stock image of the globe it set the mood this print. A little shaping of text, strokes, star symbols was all that was needed to make this world tour caliber shirt.

So simple and so much fun, this design was fully created in NXT-Moves using text along with multiple splat symbols colored right to make this colorful print.