I have an inkjet printer…do I still need AccuRIP?
A RIP software is part of the key pieces of film printing production managing both solids and halftones (a common misconception is only halftones), provides critical control of ink spraying as ink on clear film needs to adhere and not drip, and delivers high-quality results. Although you print files (single to multiple colors) to produce a set of film separations, it is actually not a separation software (another common misconception). It takes your properly built file from Adobe, Corel, Sep Studio and other mainstream art graphics programs and translates it to the printer. Printers are unable to understand the language of graphics and relies on a translator to print films as separations. RIP stands for Raster Image Processor, and it is so important when printing films (transparencies) through an inkjet or bubble jet printer such as an Epson or Canon.
To understand the value of AccuRIP Software, the industry’s number one film printing RIP software, we’ll start with art. Graphics files created in Adobe, Corel or color separated with Sep Studio NXT as well as other mainstream graphics programs are built using Adobe PostScript data. To accomplish simple to complex computer graphics you’re relying on the power of the PostScript language introduced by Adobe in 1984. Adobe created PostScript, so when you create PostScript graphics as you do, and want to print these files as separations (including one color) you need either a PostScript printer (with Adobe PostScript chips), or a RIP such as AccuRIP that expertly translates the data to a non-PostScript printer. You guessed it – most inkjet printers do not have Adobe PostScript chips, or include PostScript software to translate the data. They are therefore called non-PostScript devices.

Did you ever print a file through a RIP software and it came out with unexpected results? Bet you blamed the RIP. Well, a RIP sees the data and how the data was built and delivers it as it was constructed. The error was created by the user. Did you know that Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and Separation Studio all have color separation ability built-in? Yes, these art files are ready and waiting for the AccuRIP Driver to send the data and produce separations to film. If you don’t go straight from a color image to the RIP, you’re working wrong and too hard. Check out the “ Wrong Way to Print ” Video – are you wrong?
Inkjet manufacturers such as Epson and Canon will suggest AccuRIP, for example, for your PostScript translation to print your separations to film. Freehand even custom developed a version of AccuRIP at the request of Epson America for their product line, and AccuRIP Software is available for many Epson and Canon models.
So, PostScript is all about halftones? Absolutely not. AccuRIP manages every part of the file translation from solids to tints/gradients (halftones) to fonts and more. This important ability is not an ability of an inkjet’s printer driver. Plus, AccuRIP provides additional capabilities such as ink lay down control to achieve the darkest and sharpest film positives and negatives. Too light or too heavy of an ink lay down is not a professional film for the screen exposure process. With AccuRIP software output production is accurate, controllable, reliable, fast and easy.
The best news for AccuRIP users is the incredibly short time to experience a complete return on investment. During the fully-functional trial period as production ready films are printed and used to expose screens for press production, the profits are being generated to cover the cost of a business software that drives output. Running the software trial with an ink mismatch or an off brand ink can deliver unfavorable results. In this case reach out to us for info, advice, products and assurances.
The short answer to do you need AccuRIP is YES, because we know what screen printers do, what they demand in regards to quality and production, and have engineered AccuRIP to exceed your needs!