View Menu
The View menu provides tools to customize and control how your image is displayed within the software. These options allow you to adjust zoom levels, manage window layouts, and ensure consistent viewing across multiple separation windows.

Enter Full Screen
Enlarges the image and UI to take up the full dimension of the computer display. Switches to Exit Full Screen mode.
Zoom In
Enlarges the image view on screen
Zoom Out
Reduces the image view on screen.
Zoom Fill Window
Maximizes the image size to fit the current state of the main UI window size.
Fit on Screen
Scales the image view to see the entire image in proportion based on the current main UI window size.
Actual Pixels
Shows the image at full size based on the file resolution. In most cases the image will view much larger than the main UI window.
Match Zoom
When multiple separation windows for the same file are open, this feature matches the zoom factor across all windows.
Match Location
When multiple separation windows for the same file are open this feature sets the windows to match the scroll, zoom, and tool positions in each window.
Show Textile Color
Shows or hides the textile color in the main UI window. When hidden the background is displayed as a transparency checkerboard.
Adjust Separation…
Shows a multiple separations adjustment slider. With this feature, a user can choose as many separations as they need to adjust all those separations equally using the same adjustment slider settings for fast consistent results.
High Saturation Slider: Sliding to the right saturates data in the Channel increasing ink on press resulting in a brighter color result.
Low Saturation Slider: Sliding to the left removes existing data starting with the lowest percentage values reducing color brightness.