
PressFit contains three main windows.
1. The screen window shows and configures presses of different sizes. Change press configuration from 2 screens up to 16.
2. Separations window displays and manages separations. This feature has the option of organizing separations by print order, hue, list, or swatches. When the hue icon is not selected, separations are displayed in the order they appear in the Sep Studio NXT main interface. Separations can be displayed by list or swatches in either mode. Click then drag to select multiple colors in the Separations window. Command or Control-click to add or remove individual separations to or from a set of selections.
3. Proof Positive® displays a preview of an individual separation or a composite of a single screen or the total of all screens. Attached to this window is a vertical palette displaying and controlling the separation(s) displayed. Hover over each separation in the vertical color palette to display the color name. Click a separation to preview that separation. Click into the free space of the palette to display a composite preview. Drag and drop separations back the Separations window or to another screen on press.
Toggle between a neutral gray or color textile preview background. Textile color will be the color set in the main interface of NXT.
Apply button saves changes and closes PressFit.
Cancel button closes PressFit without saving or applying changes.
Separations left in the Separations window after clicking Apply will be displayed in the main interface after all separations added to screens. Separations can be turned off or deleted as desired.