Separations Bar
Here in the Separations bar, users will see all the available color separations that are within the opened/separated file as well as the Trash bin for deleting non-essential separations.
Here you can easily manage all separations with complete control. You can organize, adjust, delete, duplicate, color, merge, and view them all in one place!
Starting with the Proof Positive preview, display a full-color composite of separations at any time. Each of the following previews displays each separation and the data contained. In some cases, these previews may display minimal or no data. Drag the separation preview to the Trash icon or right-click to Delete.
Spot Process separations are displayed by color in the order they are to be printed on press. Vector PDF separations are displayed in the order they were processed. Print order can be switched to meet press needs.
Separation color names are displayed by the name given in the original file or by the RGB/CMYK color values used to develop that separation. To change a separation color, right-click to choose Edit Properties or “drag and drop” a supplied industry supplier ink color from the floating Ink Window.
Click the Green/Red dot below each separation to hide or show.
Right-click each separation to expose a number of options and functions.
From the Preferences window, you can choose to display the previews in ink or film mode. Ink mode shows the separations in color, while film mode shows data on screen as it will print on film. It’s a user workflow preference.
From the Window menu choose Separations or right-click in any open space area in the Separations window to show and hide the entire window.
Each preview displays a densitometer value. Move the mouse cursor over any part of an image in the main window to read the film density values. Sep Studio is the only software that offers a multi-layer densitometer critical to success when screen printers print wet on wet (WOW). These values displayed are the actual halftone or solid area density values that are critical to printing success.

X/Y co-ordinates
Displayed at the lower left corner of the main UI are the mouse coordinates that help users relocate specific positions when reading density values.
Document Size
Displayed at the lower right corner of the main UI are the Width and Height values of the “Document”, not the image. To change the Document size go to the Edit Menu/Resize Document.