Separations Previews
These windows display small previews of each separation, allowing you to quickly identify which separations can be merged or deleted. Right-clicking a preview opens a dropdown list of features and shortcuts, providing access to various options for further management.
1. Open in New Window – opens the separation in a separate window.
2. Edit Separation Properties – Change the separation name, Press Position, or change color by selecting from a library of colors or creating a custom color.
3. Delete Separation – instantly deletes the separation.
4. Duplicate – creates a copy of the separation.
5. Adjust Separation – Opens Window with sliders to help saturate and desaturate print data or eliminate low end data.
High Saturation Slider: Sliding to the right saturates data in the separation increasing ink flow on press resulting in a brighter color result.
Low Saturation Slider: Sliding to the left removes existing data starting with the lowest percentage values reducing color brightness.

6. Convert To Solids – Converts a tonal separation into a 100% solid separation. Great for discharge ink printing when a solid base screen is required or when a backing mask helps with on screen display quality.
7. Show and Hide All Separations – shows or hides all separations.
Select and drag separation to a new location or the Trash icon. When moving a separation to a new print position a vertical bar will display between separations. Release the mouse to drop the separation in that location.
The order shown of the Separations indicates the proper and proven order on-press.
It is important to follow the order since it is a proven method. All custom made spot screens (metallics, specialty, etc.) should be added to the end of the Separation Studio Colors.

Merge Separations
To Merge Separations click and drag one separation preview onto another. Release to expose options Multiply and Darken.
Multiply combines data. If there is data on both separations in the same location it calculates the difference between them.
Darken, uses the data with the higher density from either separation discarding the lower density date.